Della Monica 1898

“for over a century a guarantee of quality”



The Origin and our History

 The origin of our commercial history dates back to the end of the 19th century. In those years Gaetano Della Monica, who is the great-grandfather of the present owners, installed a factory for the production of filled covers. It was accompanied by the wholesale of fabrics, clothing fabrics, silk and linen. Already tailored items were a rarity at the time. In fact, sales exclusively consisted in fabrics by the meter, which later were tailored by clients or tailors.

Shipping occurred in wooden trunks or in jute bags. They were closed with ropes, lead seals, or sealing wax seals. Representation travels were real deeds. In fact did not exist the present road network nor the modern comfort of the stay.

Later our company faced two world wars but it always revamped with a new strength toward new business goals.

In over one hundred years, the Della Monica 1898 company had to know how to face the challenges of the market and different events. Anyways we always fulfilled our fundamental principles: honesty in interpersonal relationships, professionalism, and very high products quality.


The Product

Currently the company continues its activity along the path traced in over a century of entrepreneurial activity in the production and sale of linen items for the home, spas, wellness centres, hotels, receptions, furniture and home design.

One of our peculiar features is the ability to create tailored and customized items in order to satisfy the requests of clients and interior designers, working together with them in the development of the requested products. We believe that nowadays it is necessary to offer to clients an exclusive product, following a defined style and differing from the current products on the market, often standardised and conformed.

Therefore, it is a handcrafted made in Italy production, which is organized in order to satisfy both requests of large quantities and single tailored items.

Alongside the tailored production, we have a catalogue of articles always available in the warehouse. We assign them carefully, selecting the sales network, so that we allow the right enhancement and commercial satisfaction to those who invests in our products.



The Quality

In a world characterised by the saving for its own sake, our main feature is the full attention to quality.  Every article must meet high quality levels and just in that case it is inserted in our sales and distribution network.

We exclusively use natural and biocompatible yarns, such as cotton and linen. Just in this way, we can guarantee a high comfort and a long-lasting use. We do not use synthetic yarns nor imported products.

Our qualitative approach is the same as we had in 1898.

Therefore: “Yes to competitiveness, but never at the expense of quality!”


 The Service

Our company accompanies our clients from the moment of the choice to the moment of the purchase, with the possibility of ranging between the choice of the products in the catalogue or of tailored products.

The collaboration with the buyer goes from the choice of the fabrics quality, the type of the product creation, the study of models and sizes, up to giving indications related to different final additions, to the optimisation of the costs.

 We give a constant support during the entire purchase or production phase so that the product completely satisfies the client’s expectation.

The whole thing in order to create loyalty and lasting satisfaction from the final user.


Our Brand

Our registered trademark is

It is guarantee of high value products, excellent quality, everything entirely made in Italy.

Our motto is:

“Our guarantee is over one hundred years’ experience in the textile world”

Best Regards

Della Monica 1898